On-line parent Courses -COMING SOON!

Being a parent is a demanding job, probably the most important job we will ever do, yet it’s one that we get no training for, there’s no ‘Haynes Manual’. When things change, or our child’s behaviour changes it can trigger feelings of failure and shame which can prevent us from asking for help, I get it I have been there!

I am passionate about working with parents, just like you to understand your challenges and work with you to resolve them, creating a happier and brighter future. Seeking help for your child and perhaps yourself is an act of strength and compassion not a sign of weakness.

I understand that parents differ in their view of raising children, which is why I combine your strengths with my knowledge of effective tools and technique to create the processes most likely to work for you and your child.

I know how daunting it can be to reach out and ask for help, I remember how daunting it felt, I get it!

Are you worried about your teen, are they experiencing any of the below:

  • Anxiety about friends and being accepted

  • Performance anxiety - socially and academically

  • Fear of exposure to negative influences of social media, peers etc.

  • Fear for their safety from violence and/or bullying

  • Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) & Phobias

  • Stress

  • Behavioural Issues

  • Self Harming

  • Family Conflict

If you said yes to any of the above, we need to talk!

Imagine what it would be like if YOU could help your teen?

We all experience the world differently, absorbing and processing information in our own ways. We interpret information and our emotional response to that interpretation drives our decisions and behaviours.

What if you could:

  • Learn tools and techniques to try for yourself and use them to support your teen

  • Change your teens thinking and behaviour to bring about a more successful outcome

  • Understand how a child interprets information

  • Anchor your teen’s confidence so they feel empowered

  • Support your teen to overcome social anxiety and become more sociable

  • Teach your teen to think differently

  • Learn the correct language use to bring about positive change and to support your teen to manage their thoughts and emotions

How does the online programme work?

  • Would you like immediate online access to parent courses available anywhere, anytime?

  • Are you ready to learn at a pace that’s right for you in easy bite-size manageable chunks?

  • Would you like a cost-effective way to access proven strategies that work?

  • Are you committed to making an investment in yourself?

What’s next?

I understand that every child and family is different and that a strategy that works for one may not work for another. I’ve blended over 20 years of motherhood with my background as a Certified Practitioner and a Master Coach to create coaching packages to support parents, just like you. It’s my ultimate mission to empower parents with the tools and techniques they need to overcome the challenges of day to day life. I’m a true believer in that once we have the skills to communicate effectively and find the confidence we can live full, happy and healthy lives.

It would be my absolute pleasure to work with you, register your details below and I’ll send you more information about the online courses.